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Promotions began April 2012, with a part of the footage being screened at the 2012 CinemaCon despite the fact that filming had begun just one month prior to the event. Jack risiede insieme alla compagna Victoria Olsen in una torre a 1000 metri di altezza: il loro compito consiste nel garantire l'integrità e il funzionam… The craft was also made to be easy to disassemble and assemble, in order to facilitate transport to the Iceland shooting locations, where it would be mounted on a gimbal for shots of it flying. And M83's music I felt was fresh and original, and big and epic, but at the same time emotional and this is a very emotional film and it felt like a good fit. "I believe in form follows function. Long states that "a great deal is derivative, but it's fast-moving derivative". ... Oblivion: spiegazione del finale del film di Joseph Kosinski Anno 2077. Although their memories have been wiped, Jack has recurring dreams of a life before the war with an unknown woman. Intrattenimento. Jack raggiunge la colossale struttura aliena e finalmente si ritrova al cospetto di Sally, che si palesa come un'entità meccanica senziente di forma tetraedrica, che non dà spiegazioni sulla sua venuta nel sistema solare e si autoproclama un dio davanti al clone di Jack. oblivio -onis, der. Oblivion grossed US$89.1 million in the U.S. and US$198.8 million internationally, bringing the worldwide total to US$287.9 million. [62] Soren Anderson from the Seattle Times states that "[y]ou start wondering whether director Joseph Kosinski and screenwriters Karl Gajdusek and Michael DeBruyn have any original ideas of their own. [16], Oblivion was first presented in Buenos Aires on March 26, 2013, Dublin on April 3, and in Hollywood on April 10 at the Dolby Theatre where Cruise himself announced before the screening that the film was actually the first feature to be mixed completely "from start to finish" in the latest state-of-the-art Dolby Atmos surround sound. [62] Claudia Puig of USA Today states that "Kosinski focuses on cool visuals but stints on a compelling plot. Filming locations included Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana. Rather than employ digital models, Wild Factory, a Camarillo concept car company, built the Bubble Ship as a 25-foot-long (7.6 m), 4,000–5,000 lb (1,800–2,300 kg), mostly aluminum prop. Per le armi laser venne utilizzato un modello di proiettore in grado di generare raggi blu, verdi, rossi e gialli[14]. Oblivion significato. Jack è spesso tormentato da sogni e flashback riguardanti New York prima dell'invasione degli Scavengers e da ricorrenti visioni di una donna misteriosa; egli non vuole convincersi che la Terra sia del tutto perduta poiché ha scoperto un luogo, sulle rive di un lago, in cui il terreno è fertile e vitale e dove egli ha costruito una capanna in cui conserva oggetti del passato. Jack risiede insieme alla compagna Victoria Olsen in una torre a 1000 metri di altezza: il loro compito consiste nel garantire l'integrità e il funzionamento delle idro-trivelle, giganteschi macchinari che risucchiano l'acqua dagli oceani per creare nuova energia, ed eseguire la manutenzione dei droni, sofisticati robot-guerrieri volanti, programmati per sterminare gli Scavengers sopravvissuti e proteggere le idro-trivelle. Oblivion was released in IMAX by Universal Pictures on April 19, 2013[9] and held its world premiere in Buenos Aires on March 26, 2013. Conocimiento hablado rescatado escritura ideographic del oblivion. È stato proprio il Tet a causare la distruzione della Luna e i conseguenti cataclismi che hanno sconvolto il pianeta. Oblivion – attrazione del parco divertimenti Alton Towers; Oblivion – attrazione del parco divertimenti Gardaland; Cinema. After a hydrorig is destroyed, he discovers the scavengers are using the Empire State Building's antenna to transmit coordinates to outer space. [15] Universal was particularly appreciative of the script, saying, "It's one of the most beautiful scripts we've ever come across. The release was scheduled to be in both a standard and a SteelBook Limited Edition form. "[62] Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune states that "[w]hen you go to a futuristic, dystopian, post-apocalyptic barn dance starring Tom Cruise and his space guns, you expect a little zap with your thoughtful pauses. Oblivion narra di Jack Harper (Tom Cruise), un addetto alle manutenzioni dei droni da ricognizione, che passa intere giornate.. It was later announced that the role had been given to Kurylenko. Più avanti, mentre si riposa nel suo angolo di paradiso, Jack vede un oggetto spaziale precipitare dal cielo, attirato dal radiofaro alieno. "[62], 2013 English post-apocalyptic action-adventure film directed by Joseph Kosinski, The Bubble Ship seen in the film (above) was inspired by the. Mancano solo due settimane alla partenza, ma Jack vuole sapere per quale motivo gli Scavengers superstiti siano diventati più aggressivi e come essi siano riusciti a mettere fuori uso numerosi droni, rubandone le celle energetiche. James Berardinelli of ReelViews calls the film "imperfect but some of its imperfections result from being overly ambitious". A tal fine, per rappresentare il cielo che circonda la casa di Jack, prima dell'inizio effettivo delle riprese vennero realizzati molti filmati panoramici dalla cima del vulcano hawaiano Haleakalā[11]. REGISTA: Joseph Kosinski (altri film: Tron Legacy – Tron 3 (in produzione) ATTORI: Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga … Vika sends a craft to retrieve Jack and Julia, but is heartbroken to see them reunited. Il graphic novel fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2010 al San Diego Comic-Con International, dove Kosinski era già impegnato anche per presentare il suo film Tron: Legacy; alla manifestazione ne furono distribuite circa 30.000 copie[1]. Oblivion, un capolavoro! La première del film si è tenuta a Buenos Aires il 26 marzo 2013 per poi uscire in diversi paesi il 10 aprile, in Italia l'11 aprile e nelle sale statunitensi il 19 aprile 2013. [17], Tom Cruise had expressed interest in the film for a long time, and officially committed to it on May 20, 2011. Victoria invece vuole solo completare la missione e lasciare la Terra per sempre. Egli intuisce inoltre che quella con cui è arrivata Julia era una navicella della NASA, in orbita intorno alla Terra. Guarda gli esempi di traduzione di oblivio nelle frasi, ascolta la pronuncia e impara la grammatica. After witnessing a spacecraft crash, from which he is able to rescue a survivor, Harper is captured by scavengers (who are revealed to be humans) and fights against a new and evolving alien threat. [4], On review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 53% based on 255 reviews, with an average score of 5.88/10. "[62] Peter Howell of the Toronto Star states that the film "gives us stars in the cast, stars in our eyes and it even tweaks a brain cell or three". Oblivion è un film del 2013 scritto e diretto da Joseph Kosinski. [62] Chris Nashawaty of Entertainment Weekly states that "[a]ll the eye candy in the world can't mask the sensation that you've seen this all before...and done better. Oblivion Emozionante e altamente spettacolare il nuovo film di fantascienza avventurosa di Joseph Kosinski è uno dei pochi blockbuster sfornati da Hollywood che non fa parte di una serie, non è un sequel, un prequel, un reboot e non è collegato ad alcun franchise preesistente. He takes Julia to his cabin, where she recuperates and they re-consummate their marriage. Obviously the Tron: Legacy collaboration with Daft Punk worked out as good as I would have ever hoped, [so] I wanted to do something similar in that I'm pulling an artist from outside the movie business to create an original sound for this film." "Oblivion" is an incredible Sci-fi/Action film. Anche la contaminazione del suolo è in realtà inesistente, perché gli esseri umani non hanno mai avuto il tempo di usare le armi nucleari. L'oblio (Oblivion) – romanzo di Josephine Hart del 1995; Oblio (Oblivion) – raccolta di David Foster Wallace del 2004 Jack and Julia escape in his craft and destroy the drones pursuing them, but are forced to eject over the radiation zone. Universal Pictures, which had also bid for the original rights, then bought them from Kosinski and Radical Comics and authorized a PG-13 film version. As well as showcasing Iceland's volcanic landscapes, the film's director Joseph Kosinski sought to take advantage of the round-the-clock light, in particular the 6pm to 1am waning light known as "magic hour", to "bring sci-fi out into the daylight", in contrast with films such as Alien, which spent their time in dark hulls or benighted planets. [34], For the Sky Tower set (built on a soundstage in Baton Rouge), Kosinski and cinematographer Claudio Miranda worked closely with visual special-effects house Pixomondo to establish both environment and lighting by the use of 21 front-screen projectors aimed at a huge wraparound backdrop to form one continuous image, rather than blue screen backdrops. [62], Manohla Dargis of The New York Times states that the "agony of being a longtime Tom Cruise fan has always been a burden, but now it's just, well, dispiriting". oblivióne (raro obblivióne) s. f. [dal lat. La bubbleship, il velivolo futuristico usato dal protagonista, secondo i produttori rappresenta un ibrido tra un elicottero Bell 47 e un aereo da caccia[14], anche se tecnicamente ha la medesima configurazione di un convertiplano. "[10][11], Walt Disney Pictures, which produced Kosinski's previous direction Tron: Legacy, acquired the Oblivion film adaptation rights from Radical Comics and Kosinski after a heated auction in August 2010. "[62], Kenneth Turan from the Los Angeles Times called the film "[m]ore adventurous than your typical Hollywood tent pole, Oblivion makes you remember why science fiction movies pulled you in way back when and didn't let you go. Melissa Leo was cast at a later date as Sally. Dopo averla cercata dal giorno della distruzione del Tet, avendo la medesima memoria latente del clone Tech 49, può ora riunirsi alla sua famiglia. They return to the scavenger base, and Beech explains that the Tet is an alien artificial intelligence: determined to acquire Earth's resources and wipe out humanity, it destroyed the Moon and invaded Earth with an army of drones and Jack's clones; humanity's victory and escape to Titan is a Tet fiction. Other studios that made bids on the film were Paramount, Fox's Chernin Entertainment and Universal. [35], On June 28, 2012, it was announced that French electronic band M83 would compose the soundtrack for Oblivion. " Oblivion " è un film di fantascienza del 2013 scritto e diretto dal regista statunitense Joseph Kosinski. The Blu-ray releases will feature commentary with Tom Cruise and director Joseph Kosinski, deleted scenes, M83's isolated score, and a series of making-of featurettes. Oblivion è anche un recente film con l’attore Tom Cruise, un film che è anche un viaggio mentale interiore ed esteriore. Keegan, Rebecca. – Dimenticanza, oblio: con ciò sia cosa che l’oblivione sia corruzione di memoria (Dante); molti generosi e memorandi fatti restano sepolti nel fondo de l’oscura … [55], In North America, the film earned US$37.1 million on its opening weekend, including US$5.5 million from IMAX screenings in 323 theaters, making it Cruise's best North American opening after Mission: Impossible film series and War of the Worlds. [36], To obtain the necessary footage to create the illusion that the Sky Tower set was sitting high above the clouds, Pixomondo sent a crew to film the view from the peak of Haleakalā in Hawaii for four days with three Red Epic cameras mounted side by side on a single rig. La sceneggiatura della pellicola è scritta da Karl Gajdusek e Michael deBruyn, mentre tra i produttori figurano anche Peter Chernin e Dylan Clark, noti per il film L'alba del pianeta delle scimmie[4]. [62] Some reviewers noted the filmmakers' ambition. 1: 1 0. oblivion. Il risveglio di Julia aumenta i dubbi di Jack quando questa, appena lo vede, lo chiama per nome. She alerts Sally, who activates a drone that kills Vika before Julia destroys it. [32] A Red Epic was also used for scenes that required going handheld or when body mount rigging was applied. Jack capisce ora che le aree contaminate sono in realtà zone di competenza di altri suoi cloni, con i quali non avrebbe dovuto avere contatti. I due sfuggono alla caccia di altri tre droni inviati da Sally, ma precipitano con il velivolo in una zona desertica all'interno di un'area radioattiva, dove un esterrefatto Jack si ritrova faccia a faccia con un individuo identico a lui ma portante il numero 52 (Jack invece ha come codice identificativo il numero 49), atterrato nelle vicinanze per riparare un drone appena abbattuto. È ambientato in un mondo post-apocalittico. Sitting on mountain ledge for 'simple' dialogue scene inches away from 800-foot drop", "California: moments from Tom Cruise's Oblivion", "NAB 2012: Sony Launches $10,000 Super Slow Motion Camcorder With 4K Sensor", "Cinematographer Claudio Miranda on Oblivion and Life of Pi", "OBLIVION: Bjørn Mayer – VFX Supervisor – Pixomondo", "Interview: 'Oblivion' Director Joseph Kosinski on Sci-Fi Filmmaking", "Exclusive: M83 Scoring Joseph Kosinski's Sci-Fi Film 'Oblivion' Starring Tom Cruise", "Exclusive: Joseph Kosinski Talks OBLIVION, Working with Tom Cruise, Getting M83 to Compose the Score, the Film's Unique Design, the IMAX Release & More", "Daft Punk: We didn’t sell out for 'Tron: Legacy' soundtrack", "M83 Enter 'Oblivion' With Tom Cruise: At Grammys, French group talk soundtrack debut", "Oblivion - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: M83: Amazon.co.uk: MP3 Downloads", "Oblivion [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] – M83", "Album Review: Anthony Gonzalez and Joseph Trapanese – Oblivion: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack", "M83, Joseph Trapanese: 'Oblivion' movie soundtrack - Album review", "Oblivion (Anthony Ganzalez/Joseph Trapanese)", "M83 and Joseph Trapanese: Oblivion: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Back Lot Music)", "iTunes – Music – Oblivion (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition]", "Cruise in Dublin for movie and Irish roots", "Oblivion with Tom Cruise Blu-ray Pre-Order Live, No Release Date Yet", "Box Office Report: Tom Cruise's 'Oblivion' Rockets to Solid $38.2 Million OPENING", "Oblivion review - The Hollywood Reporter", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oblivion_(2013_film)&oldid=1017460985, Fiction about memory erasure and alteration, Short description is different from Wikidata, Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 April 2021, at 21:51. [12] Disney subsequently released the rights after realizing the PG-rated film they envisioned, in line with their family-oriented reputation, would require too many story changes. Jack non è convinto e si rifiuta di cooperare con Beech, che lo lascia andare con Julia, consigliandogli tuttavia di recarsi in una zona radioattiva, dove troverà certamente risposta a molte delle sue domande. The three actresses traveled to Pittsburgh to screen-test with Cruise, who was filming Jack Reacher. di oblivisci «dimenticare»], ant., poet. [14] When the film passed into Universal's hands, a final rewrite was done by Michael Arndt, under the pen name "Michael deBruyn". [31], Oblivion was filmed with Sony's CineAlta F65 camera, which was shipped in January 2012. Come forse ricorderete, negli anni 2000, Tom Cruise ha sviluppato una propensione per i Then I basically used all that development as a pitch kit to the studio. Nel 2077, in un mondo post-apocalittico, Jack Harper è un tecnico stanziato sulla Terra ormai abbandonata poiché contaminata dalle radiazioni e stravolta dai fenomeni meteorologici causati dalla distruzione della Luna, conseguenza dell'invasione aliena e della successiva guerra nucleare vinta dai terrestricontro degli extraterrestri chiamati Scavengers. [37] On why he chose M83 to score the film, director Joseph Kosinski said, "I went back and I found my first treatment for Oblivion from 2005 and it had listed in the treatment a soundtrack of M83. [34] This new technique allowed them to cut down on both the effects shots, which ended up at around 800 in total, and the expenses. Jack and Julia return to the crash site and recover Odyssey's flight recorder, but are captured by scavengers and taken to Raven Rock Mountain Complex. Beech vorrebbe lanciare un drone carico di un ordigno nucleare contro il Tet per distruggerlo, ma non può riuscirvi perché i droni rispondono solo ai comandi vocali di Jack. Jack reprograms a captured drone to sabotage the Tet, but more drones attack the base, leaving Beech gravely injured and the captured drone damaged beyond repair. Non per quelli finiti presuntuosamente nel dimenticatoio. Articoli Correlati Significato diSignificato Edge of Tomorrow – cosa significa Edge […] Gonzalez added, "I worked with Joseph a lot, and he's very particular about the music in his movies, so we spent a lot of time talking about music and working the arrangements together. "I come from Tarkovsky-land, and at that point I hadn't watched it for many years. Kosinski wanted to film a cinematic adaptation of the graphic novel Oblivion, which he started to co-write with Arvid Nelson for Radical Comics. Gli effetti visivi vennero curati da Eric Barba e Bjørn Mayer[11]. Guarda le traduzioni di ‘oblivio’ in italiano. [54] The Blu-ray debuted at number 1 in sales for its opening week. "[38], To guide Anthony Gonzalez of M83 through the scoring process, director Kosinski brought in Joseph Trapanese, who co-wrote the score alongside Gonzalez. [33], Had blue screen been used on the "glass house" Sky Tower, the glass would have disappeared into the blue lighting, and would have had to be reproduced digitally in post-production. En route, Jack learns the truth from Odyssey's flight recorder: he was the commander of a NASA mission to explore Titan, with Vika as his co-pilot, Julia as a crew member, and Sally as their mission director on Earth. Puoi anche aggiungere una definizione per oblivion . With Vika as his communications officer, Jack serves as "Tech 49", repairing the combat drones that hunt the remaining scavengers and guard the "hydrorig" generators converting seawater into fusion energy. Scopri la traduzione in italiano del termine oblivion nel Dizionario di Inglese di Corriere.it Qui scopre che esiste anche un clone di Victoria, la quale, credendolo il suo compagno, non lo intralcia. Si scontra con il numero 52, riuscendo a metterlo fuori combattimento e a legarlo, per poi mettere al riparo Julia, ferita nello scontro, e recarsi nell'abitazione del clone Tech (tecnico) 52 in cerca di medicinali per curarla. Too bad the movie's script wasn't given the same attention as its sleek, brave-new-world look. [61] Andrew O'Hehir of Salon praised it as a "sly, surprising and visually magnificent Tom Cruise vehicle that has forced me – and many other people, I suspect – to revise my first opinion of director Joseph Kosinski. oblivion n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. The footage was described as "a combination of early concept art, rough animation, and unfinished dailies", showcasing a glimpse of the film's landscapes. "[62] Randy Myers of the San Jose Mercury News states that the "mix of gee-whiz gadgetry and the day-to-day routineness of Jack and Victoria's lives is interesting enough, but the film is too glacially paced for it to work". Nella primavera del 2011 i diritti furono acquisiti dalla Universal, la quale mise a disposizione un budget di cento milioni di dollari[3]. "[62], Tasha Robinson from The A.V. https://www.filmforlife.org/2013/04/oblivion-recensione-film [52] One month later it was announced that the United Kingdom branch of Universal Studios would be releasing the film on home video in its region on August 6, 2013 with the on-demand version on August 18, 2013. Three years later, Julia has given birth to her and Jack's young daughter. Inoltre, nella pellicola, viene ascoltata Ramble On dei Led Zeppelin e A Whiter Shade of Pale dei Procol Harum; si possono anche notare la presenza dei dischi in vinile di album come Rio dei Duran Duran, The Wall dei Pink Floyd, Exile on Main St. dei Rolling Stones, Some Enchanted Evening dei Blue Öyster Cult e il disco omonimo degli Asia in una scena del film. [62] Tom Charity of CNN.com called it "[g]lossy, derivative, ambitious and fatally underpowered. [62] Cary Darling of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram states that the film is "stitched together from spare bits of other, often better films, stumbl[ing] awkwardly in story and plot, shuffling toward the predictable explosions and fireballs of the third act. Che cosa è oblivion? M83 Oblivion Soundtrack (OST) Extended Mix 10 min - YouTube The film follows the story of Jack Harper, a technician who has been sent back to Earth to service drones used in the fight against remaining extraterrestrials (scavengers). Elements of the cockpit, such as the placement of the joystick and pedals, were customized for Cruise, who is a qualified pilot, and who had some input into the design. [33] The film was shot in 4K resolution in Sony's proprietary raw image format, but for cost reasons (and over Kosinski's protests), both the digital intermediate and final version were done at 2K resolution. Sixty years earlier, a race of alien scavengers destroyed the Moon and invaded Earth; humanity won the war, but nuclear weapons and the loss of the Moon left most of the planet uninhabitable. [18], For casting the lead role of Julia opposite Cruise, the producers considered five actresses: Jessica Chastain, Olivia Wilde, Brit Marling, Noomi Rapace and Olga Kurylenko, and all five auditioned on August 27, 2011. [13], TOLDJA! La Disney nell'agosto 2010 ne comprò i diritti[2], tuttavia nei mesi seguenti rinunciò al progetto, poiché mal si adattava al target di film per famiglie che caratterizzavano le sue produzioni. Oblivion is a 2013 American post-apocalyptic action-adventure film co-produced and directed by Joseph Kosinski, and produced by Peter Chernin with screenplay by Karl Gajdusek and Michael deBruyn, starring Tom Cruise in the main role alongside Olga Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Morgan Freeman and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in supporting roles. Kosinski states, "Together they have created the score that I have dreamed about since I first put this story down on paper eight years ago. Il videoclip, diretto da Austin Peters (il quale aveva già collaborato alla direzione dei video di Flaws e di Laura Palmer) e pubblicato il 21 luglio 2014 attraverso il canale YouTube del gruppo, ha come protagonista l'attrice Sophie Turner, la quale … Daniel Simon, who previously worked with Kosinski as the lead vehicle designer on Tron: Legacy, was tasked with creating the Bubble Ship from this basis, incorporating elements evocative of an advanced fighter jet with the Bell 47 to create a light, functional vehicle that was both practical and aesthetically pleasing, much as he observed with the ships in 2001: A Space Odyssey. [13], The script for the film was originally written by Kosinski and William Monahan and underwent a first rewrite by Karl Gajdusek. [20], Nel Nord America ha incassato 89107235 $ e nel resto del mondo 197061337 $, per un totale di 286168572 $. In January 2012 Chastain entered into talks for a part in the Kathryn Bigelow film Zero Dark Thirty and subsequently dropped out of Oblivion contention. (state of forgetting) oblio nm sostantivo maschile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile: medico, gatto, strumento, assegno, dolore : Mary was exhausted after the marathon and sank into the oblivion of sleep. 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Conquiste Sus Miedos Cringed más bajo en el asiento de mi escritorio gris del metal, anhelando para el piso amarillo descolorado tragarme en el oblivion. Jack and Beech detonate their bomb, sacrificing themselves to destroy the Tet. [34] The actors enjoyed working in the environment, as they could look outside and actually see sunrise or sunset imagery. Saperne di più. Jack conduce Julia alle rovine dell'Empire State Building, e lì Julia gli rivela che lei un tempo era sua moglie. [62], Tom Long of the Detroit News states that "Kosinski offers plenty of action here, and he lets the plot reveals bleed out slowly (explanations keep coming right to the end)." "[62] Anthony Lane of The New Yorker states that the film "[f]eels ever more grounded and stuck. I'm not a fan of excessive decoration, of putting fins on something because it looks cool". Disney Acquires Joseph Kosinski’s Graphic Novel ‘Oblivion’, Tom Cruise Commits To $100 Million Universal Sci-Fi Pic ‘Oblivion’ For Fall, Joe Kosinski's Oblivion Renamed Horizons Again, Five Hot Actresses Testing For Roles, Jessica Chastain Out, Andrea Riseborough And Olga Kurylenko In For Joseph Kosinski's Next Science Fiction Film, Olga Kurylenko talks “Oblivion,” “To The Wonder,” and “Erased”, Tom Cruise nel trailer italiano di Oblivion, il film sci-fi di Joseph Kosinski, Mission: Impossible - Protocollo fantasma, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oblivion_(film_2013)&oldid=117365329, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e molti collegamenti, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Candidatura per la miglior scenografia per un film fantasy o fantascientifico a. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 19 dic 2020 alle 18:12. Nonostante lo shock, Jack mette a fuoco tutte le sue visioni, accetta Julia e capisce che Beech gli ha detto la verità. [17], "When Kubrick made 2001, rather than going to the hotshot concept designers of the day, he hired NASA engineers", said Simon. [51], The DVD and Blu-ray for Oblivion became available online for pre-order in North America on April 24, 2013, just five days after its initial release in the region. Mgr.Gugerotti (nuncio), the greatest tragedy … https://www.instagram.com/hausercellohttps://www.facebook.com/hauserofficialHauser performing his arrangement of "[62] Steven Rea of the Philadelphia Inquirer states that "[Cruise] oversees some pretty impressive stuff here, from the drones that ping-pong around in the air to the bubbleship that Jack uses to go to and fro to that awesome house with its panoramic views. All'alba del giorno seguente Jack e Victoria sono svegliati dall'esplosione di una idro-trivella: Jack si reca sul posto e scopre che la causa della distruzione è stata una cella energetica di un drone. Più tardi viene inviato da Victoria a indagare su un segnale sconosciuto e sospetto, scoprendo che è emanato da un radiofaro degli alieni: inizia a chiedersi quali siano le loro intenzioni e perché abbiano cercato solo di catturarlo senza ucciderlo. The story – both in Solaris and Oblivion – deals with space and memory. +39 02864871 - fax +39 028052886 - info@hoepli.it - P.IVA 00722360153 - Tutti i diritti riservati Jack decide allora di portare l'ordigno all'interno del Tet con il suo velivolo, portando con sé Julia nella capsula di ibernazione, visto che Sally ha manifestato l'intenzione di conoscere Julia per clonarla e creare una "squadra più efficiente". Oblivion – film del 1994 diretto da Sam Irvin; Oblivion – film del 2013 diretto da Joseph Kosinski; Letteratura. Per l'abito principale usato dal protagonista Jack, secondo la Stewart da non intendersi come un costume da supereroe, furono combinati vari materiali, compresi pelle, tessuti traspiranti, poliuretano e materiale elasticizzato[15]. locandina film oblivion 2013. Club states that an "unsettling sense of not-quite-right coats all of the film's steely surfaces, and Kosinski and his co-writers give audiences plenty of time to absorb the unease and gear up for the action". "[60] Kevin Harley of Total Film gave the film three stars and said "It isn't a reboot or reimagining, refreshingly, but Oblivion plays like a stylised remix of superior sci-fi ground-breakers". Jack però riesce a salvare una ragazza di nome Julia Rusakova, identica alla donna che spesso riempie le sue visioni e, nonostante la disapprovazione di Victoria, decide di ospitarla nella sua abitazione protetta. I due attivano quindi la bomba nucleare nascosta all'interno della capsula, distruggendo il Tet e causando l'istantanea disattivazione di tutti i droni. [40], In an interview with Rolling Stone, M83 frontman Anthony Gonzalez said, "I started to write the soundtrack just reading the script, and then when you get the picture in, it's different, and you kind of switch to another vibe and change stuff and start experimenting a lot with the music." [34] This enabled the full environment to be captured in camera, and assisted in lighting up to 90 percent of the set. Nel 2077, in un mondo post-apocalittico, Jack Harper è un tecnico stanziato sulla Terra ormai abbandonata poiché contaminata dalle radiazioni e stravolta dai fenomeni meteorologici causati dalla distruzione della Luna, conseguenza dell'invasione aliena e della successiva guerra nucleare vinta dai terrestri contro degli extraterrestri chiamati Scavengers. FILM: OBLIVION – (2013) – significato: oblio, dimenticanza duratura. Oblivion, based on Kosinski's unpublished graphic novel of the same name, pays homage to 1970s science fiction films. Origine it.wiktionary.org: 2: 0 0. oblivion. The film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $286 million worldwide, on a production budget of $120 million.

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