elisa di rivombrosa cast

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Elisa soon realizes she made a mistake and chases him, and the two end up making love. The Count is waiting with Clelia for the king, in her carriage. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. When he's about to give them to Duke Ranieri, he understands that the duke is the one who once tried to steal them. The next morning, Anna bursts into her brother's bedroom and finds out Elisa is in bed with him. The jealous woman, still in love with Fabrizio, has Father Tognino killed. Meanwhile, Anna's husband Fabrizio plans to incapacitate and take over the property. Elisa notices that a little orphan boy, Martino has a birth mark on his shoulder similar to that which is on Fabrizio's shoulder. Looking for Elisa, Angelo meets Anna, and they together go at Ceppi's house. For Elisa, who has motherly feelings towards Martino the news is a huge blow, but she does not deny Lucrezia the right to take "her" child with her. Elisa is disguised in Clelia, so she goes down from the carriage, and approaches the king. Lucrezia asks Isabella to prick Elisa with a poisoned rose at the funeral of Count Drago. Lucrezia decides to implement a plan to get rid of Elisa and to recovery the list. After Fabrizio's attempts with Lucrezia, Elisa decides to accept Angelo's marriage proposal but still refuses to become the count's mistress. Fabrizio is hurt by the girl's decision and, feeling like he lost her forever, he decides to leave for Turin with Lucrezia, who offers to help him deliver the documents to the king. Fabrizio realizes that Angelo is looking for the list. Ana and Emilia leave from Rivombrosa to Ceppi's house, where they find Elisa. La Figlia di Elisa - Ritorno a Rivombrosa' è principalmente la storia di un grande amore. Unfortunately Fabrizio is not in the palace, so Margherita tells everything to Elisa. For this purpose, went to Margherita Maffei, which manages to get into prison. Fortunately, the boy is saved by Angelo who comes and attacks Alvise Radicati. When Fabrizio is informed of it, he first tries to convince his friend Giulio to remove the charges against Elisa. Marquis Maffei, still sick from the poison he took, raves of the conspiracy to Margherita, who goes to Rivombrosa telling what she's heard. Il produttore, inoltre, ha fatto intendere di aver... Sta per tornare Un Passo dal Cielo 6. Agnese riceve il suo primo bacio da Andrea e Andrea, che pure ha conosciuto altre donne, intuisce di aver trovato davvero l'amore solo dopo l'incontro con Agnese. Ana tells Betta that Alvise is sick; then Betta packs his luggage and hurries from Rivombrosa. With an excuse, Fabrizio takes Elisa's grace and runs away from Turin. Lucrezia also offers her assistance insidiously. Lucia is found dead in the lake : she committed suicide because she felt responsible for her husband's social downfall and wanted him to be happy and accepted by the Upper class. When entering the courtyard of the palace, Martino is attacked by people Lucretia, but he manages to survive the ambush. He knows that if he give the list to the judge, soon Lucrezia and Ranieri will destroy the list. Elisa, Fabrizio and Angelo manage to escape. Lucrezia decides to kill Elisa, because it is the only obstacle to her happiness with Fabrizio and to the top of power. Elisa tells her observations to Fabrizio and accuses him of not caring about his son. Elisa does not trust her, and her care grows when he learns that Lucrezia and Fabriozo were lovers in the past. Marquis collects information on the Count Ristori, and provides it to Angelo. Lucrezia find a handkerchief with the blazon and initials of Fabrizio Ristori, which was dropped by Elisa, so Lucrezia guessed that the girl is hidden by Clelia in her palace. The girl tries to apologize to Angelo but he's so hurt that he can't even talk to her and decides to leave Rivombrosa forever. Then the nun goes to the king to convince him of the Count of innocence, but this remains inexorable. Giulio Drago convinces Fabrizio to make her marry Angelo Buondio, a sweet servant boy who's always been in love with her, in order to make her become his mistress. Ceppi and Giulio agree to be the witnesses. Lucretia tells her about the kiss and promises to fight for Fabriza. On the next day, Elisa goes to Turin to warn Fabrizio, and everythings happens very fast. Before his death, Isabella makes sure that Martino hears that Lucrezia is not the mother of Martin and reveals that his father is Fabrizo. Fabrizio thinks that the woman's husband, the king's counselor, Marquise Bouville, is involved in the conspiracy. Elisa with Clelia go to prison, where they manage to release Fabrizio. Giulio Drago is one of the conspirators, and as soon as he's informed that Duke Ranieri tried to hurt his friend, he argues with Lucrezia and the Duke, and leaves the conspirators' meeting in which they plot to attack the king. Fabrizio finds Elisa and cries over worry for his beloved and the fate of their child. Unfortunately, Lucrezia anticipates their movement and notifies her husband that Fabrizio will give it the list and that he himself belongs to the conspiracy. Exiled Anna moves out of the palace with her husband, and is forced to share their new place with his lover - Betta Maffei. Fabrizio refuses again to say where is the list. Vittoria Puccini non ha ancora lasciato alle spalle la sua Elisa di Rivombrosa nella staticità delle espressioni. Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di IdeaSolutions Holding srl – Via Cimarosa 66 – 80127 Napoli (NA) | P.Iva 04787231218 | REA NA714158 | Capitale Sociale € 160.000,00 i.v. Meanwhile, Elisa tries to reach out to the only person who can trust in Turin, therefore she go to asking help to the cousin of the king - Clelia Bussani. During the funeral, Isabella does not fully meet the order she received: she pricks to Elisa with the thorn of the rose, but the thorn was not poisoned. Giulio distraught after the loss of Margherita, Elisa asks that gave her an engagement ring. Elisa, however, escapes and follows him to Turin. Ecco tutte le ... Il Commissario Ricciardi 2 si farà. Elisa returns to her mother's house. She is saved by the arrival of Fabrizio, who fights and kills them. At the Radicati Palace Alvise and his mistress Betta are celebrating yet another party. Quando inizia la fiction Rai, quando, cioè, la vedremo in onda in prima serata su Rai 1? Then takes Betta Maffei to Turin, and joins the conspirators. The Marquis returns to the mansion Beuville, who does not like that Fabrizo is a frequent guest of his wife. Hearing this information, Alvise forbids him to inform anyone about this. Elisa di Rivombrosa Terza puntata. There in the square before the Bussani Palace they play a scene, Angelo "killing" Elisa and take her letters (with the fake list). Meanwhile Lucrezia invites Fabrizio and Elisa to dinner with other nobles. Elisa, running, slips and injures her hand. Although Fabrizio managed to chasethe killers away , Captain Lombardi was seriously injured. Fabrizio declares his love for her in the garden, in front of all the servants, and explains that this is the only way possible for him to stay with her. At the last minute Fabrizio informs Elisa, where he had hid the list and allows her to escape, he giving up. Fabrizio uses the confusion and gets out from under ax. Dr. Antonio Ceppi takes care of Angelo's wounds. Then Ana leaves from Rivombrosa. Una novità, nell'ordito della trama, è il 'mistero' che percorre tutta la serie. Two of the guests who are heavily drunk leave the main party room wandering through the palace eventually entering Emilia's bedroom. I fan devono aspetta... Che Dio ci aiuti 7 si farà? Elisa is hunted by Ranieri's men. After the funeral, Elisa and Fabrizio go to the police station and testified that it was a duel and Giulio was killed by accident. After escaping from her wedding, Elisa returns to Rivombrosa, where she is now avoided by everyone. Then Lucrezia convinces her to try to escape Fabrizio from prison, arguing that what she are doing, it for purely emotional, because Fabrizio Ristori was the only love of her life. Elisa and Angelo come to the Turin. The series follows the lives of star-crossed lovers Elisa Scalzi, an honest but poor woman, and Count Fabrizio Ristori. Anna annoyed when she sees it, and wants to throw it out, but her husband forbids. Fabrizio resolves to never again hide their feelings and views. E il mutamento dell'epoca si intuisce anche dall'ambientazione. Lucrezia guesses that Fabrizio knows the truth and decides to go to Turin. For the two lovers it was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor. At Rivombrosa returns the husband of Anna, Alvise Radicati. Da lì la sua carriera esplode anche come attrice, partecipando a film e fiction, come Don Matteo, La figlia di Elisa – Ritorno a Rivombrosa, e Maresciallo Rocca, solo per citarne alcuni. With the mission to send the broken Rivombrosy Count Drago. A interpretare Arianna è Vittoria Puccini, attrice amatissima del mondo delle fiction che ha raggiunto il grande successo nei primi '00 con la saga Elisa di Rivombrosa. Meanwhile, Elisa saw that Fabrizo awning can be wrapped around your finger, asks him to make a choice: it either Lucrezia. In the morning, at Rivombrosa arrived Dr. Antonio Ceppi, who during wound care notes that Alvise has a syphilis. Meanwhile, Lucrezia rush in her chaise to Venezia, leaving the country. Fabrizio is getting better and Elisa and him can't deny their feelings anymore. Terrified, she finds refuge in the house of Dr. Ceppi. Costumi e scene mostrano l'avvento dello stile impero e del neoclassicismo. This page was last edited on 13 January 2021, at 05:17. Therefore, Fabrizio goes to buy Martino free and takes him to work in the stables. This he finds of the betrayal of his adviser, and sentence him to prison. Elisa and Fabrizio come in the night. This time the doctor Antonio Ceppi says to Anna about the Alvise's disease and shows her his love: they are kissing. During the meeting between Jean Luc Beauville and Fabrizio, appears Lucretia and kills her husband and throws all the blame on Fabrizio Ristori. Elisa di Rivombrosa is an Italian television series (partly inspired by the 1740 novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded) about a love story in 18th century Italy between Fabrizio Ristori, a young Italian Count, and his mother's maid, Elisa. Parla lei. The King tells Lucrezia that Fabrizio will be executed earlier, than was planning on. They organize a special dinner, in which van Necker and other nobles are invited to confirm that Fabrizio is crazy since he wants to marry a servant. Anna comes to rescue her in time and tells Alvise she will return to Rivombrosa taking Emilia with her immediately. Their love is hindered by a conspiracy led by Lucrezia, a noblewoman who also fell in love with Fabrizio. In this situation, Elisa went to Rivombrosa with Angelo and they searched in the library, but does not know that Fabrizio put the list elsewhere. La serie segue il suo viaggio alla scoperta di sé e alle prese con il suo orientamento sessuale e adattandosi a una nuova città. Elisa after falling down stairs loses her child. When Fabrizo puts him in a critical position, Count Drago killed himself with his sword Fabriza. In this situation, the boy decides to escape from the awning. He does not know that Angelo is a spy adviser of the king - Beuville and is detected, what is involved in the conspiracy count. A confermare la fiction Rai è stato Luca Bernabei ai microfoni di RTL 102.5. He wants to marry Elisa and let everybody know that he loves her. Pare proprio di sì. La fiction Rai con protagonista Lino Guancia... L’Isola dei Famosi 2021 cambia collocazione nel palinsesto spostandosi dal giovedì al venerdì sera. She runs away when she sees the nobles' faces. Disgusted by the proposal, Elisa firmly refuses. Fabrizio receives a proposal from Duke Ranieri to join the conspiration. Then Ranieri orders that Fabrizio to be whipped. When Lucretia realizes that the boy had disappeared, she sends the servants to catch him, ordering even shoot in his direction. Angelo is waiting in the street with two horses for help them escape. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Now there is nothing left to prevent the marriage of Fabrizio and Elisa. Awning with Prince Ranieri decide as soon as possible to recover the list of conspirators. Clelia goes to the king to tell him that she will give him a gift before Fabrizio's execution. Angelo takes a fake list and the pendant from the neck of Elisa and then give them to the Ranieri; but Angelo refuses to be paid. Il Commissario Ricciardi 2 si farà: tutte le news sulla fiction Rai con Lino Guanc... Isola dei Famosi 2021: cambia collocazione, dal giovedì passa al venerdì sera. He does not want to leave Rivombrosa because he doesn't want to leave Elisa, but when the girl still refuses to be his mistress, he lets her go, and leaves. He manages to escape but gets hurt and falls into a river. Forte di un addestramento paramilitare che le è stato impartito nel suo ombroso passato, decide di indagare da sola sull'uccisione del marito. Fabrizio, who did not manage to catch the killer, has to flee to avoid being caught because it looks as though he was the one who tried to shoot the king. Ward ha ottenuto grande successo come attore in tv con "Cento vetrine" e "Elisa di Rivombrosa" e in teatro con musical come "My fair lady", "Mamma mia!" The Count, however, doesn't want to give up on the girl and persuades all the aristocrats in the neighbourhood not to hire her. Then Lucrezia discovers that Isabella did not fulfill its orders and kill her. When he meets Elisa, he's amazed by her beauty. This makes the Count to decide not to expose their common happiness to any more risks and wants to return the list to Count Drago. Elisa and Angelo arrives at her palace, but the road is packed with soldiers Ranieri. When Elisa disappears one night, and the search does not yield results, Fabrizo gives way to despair. Unfortunately, the third one escapes. Elisa di Rivombrosa 2, regia di Cinzia TH Torrini e Stefano Alleva - Serie TV (Canale 5, 2005) Questa è la mia terra, regia di Raffaele Mertes - Serie TV (Canale 5, 2006) Un ciclone in famiglia 2, regia di Carlo Vanzina - Serie Tv (Canale 5, 2006) Eravamo solo mille, regia di Stefano Reali - Miniserie Tv (Rai 1, 2006) Margeritha Maffei enters the convent, according to the promise she made to God. Clelia do not realize that Therese is a spy of Ranieri. She claims that she bore a child before marriage with the Marquis Beuville, but her mother told her that the boy was born dead. Although Anna throws a whole new light on the death of the Marquis Beauville, judges remain unmoved. Lucretia takes Martino with her, making him a page to her. The king requests the guards to allow the women to approach. L’attesa è finita, torna su Rai 1 una serie tv che nella prima stagione è stata campione d’ascolti. With Vittoria Puccini, Jane Alexander, Alessandro Preziosi, Luca Ward. La figlia di Elisa - Ritorno a Rivombrosa. Count refuses and comes to a duel. Gli abiti di Agnese riecheggiano solo per vivacità quelli di Elisa, ma il taglio e la foggia strizzano l'occhio alle vezzose e audaci mode parigine che si stanno diffondendo anche in Italia. Anna directs them that they may be in the palace chapel, unfortunately, this do not bring the expected search results. Concerned about the prolonged absence of Fabrizio and about the noises she hears, Elisa leaves the bedroom with a knife. Gulio last wish is to see Margherita before his death. 25 … Un Passo dal Cielo 6 - I guardiani: quando inizia, trama e cast della fiction Rai ... Che Dio ci aiuti 7 si farà? Elisa sends a letter to Cleila. As soon as Fabrizio gets her letter, he decides to come back home. The doctor also warns Fabrizo that because of that she might commit suicide. Because of that, in fact, they can't get married. The nobles arrive to the wedding ceremony but in the middle of it they all turn away from the young to mark their protest, only Clelia remains in place. Elisa is upset but Fabrizio comforts her. Fabrizio and Elisa are now getting closer and closer, and they're both falling in love with each other. Fabrizo finds Elisa in the monastery Margherita Maffei lives in finding out she left because she didn't want to condemn him to a childless life. He makes its own orders and requests to Elisa, such devotion as to Fabrizio. Meanwhile, in Turin, Ranieri try again to force Fabrizio to give him the list of conspirators. The story starts in 1769. Her desperate action makes Elisa confess her social position to Fabrizio, who really gets mad at her. He asks Fabriza bed so he can ease the pain of losing Margherita. As a result, they go together to the capital. Non è così". Sono trascorsi anni dal personaggio da soap. He is then recalled up to the army. Ospite Piera Maggio e... Belen Rodriguez, fuori forma per via delle voglie? Elisa è turbata per l'inganno di Christian, anche perché l'uomo le ha intimato in modo brusco di andarsene da palazzo se tiene alla vita. According to Dr Ceppi due to the fall and the abortion Elisa will remain infertile causing Elisa to suffer from depression. Fabrizio refuses, and the Duke tries to find out more about the documents: his guards, disguised as servants, pay the servant girl Bianca for information and she tells them to question Elisa. Clelia takes Elisa in her palace; when Elisa feels safe, explains that what she saw in the square was a frame-up (sketch). Clelia hides him in her carriage and Elisa and Fabrizio return to Rivombrosa together. Lucrezia decides to release Fabrizio and goes before the court and says that she and Fabrizio were lovers and that Fabrizio killed Jean Luc in a duel, for her. Alcuni dei nuovi personaggi ci faranno sorridere con la loro irrimediabile goffaggine (Sturani), con il loro sguardo ironico e saggio sugli eventi (Monaldo ma anche Jacopo) o con l'ottusità di chi non vuole arrendersi al cambiamento dei tempi (Olga). Lucrezia overhears the story of Martino and learns that his father is Fabrizio. Count Giulio Drago asks for Margherita Maffei's hand, a marchioness he's in love with and Elisa's good friend. But Fabrizio denies and the court maintained the conviction. Tutti coloro che hanno amato le strampal... Leonardo 2 ci sarà. Fabrizio decides to immediately contact the Marquis Jean Luc Beauville, for this purpose went to his mansion, but didn't found him there. Fabrizio is thrown into prison, although it is threaten him with death, refuses to give the list to Ranieri. In the morning, along with Angelo they go to Rivombosa to take the list. Infatti il libro io lo dedico fra l'altro a tutti quelli che credono di non farcela. The Father is found dead in the church by Fabrizio and Elisa, right before their wedding. Meanwhile, Lucrezia goes to Martino, who has fever, but he calls Elisa. During the torture Angelo agrees to help Ranieri to recovery the list if he will be released. During the play performed by a traveling theatrical troupe in Rivombrosa, which all the nobles attend, two of the Duke's men attack Elisa in order to get information about the documents. On the way home, she is attacked by the drunken Count Giulio Drago (Fabrizio's best friend). The girl is a little confused by his request, but still grants his wish, and hides the conspirators' list between the endpapers of Countess Agnese Ristori's favourite book. Elisa testifies before the court to release Fabrizio, but the judges deny her testimony, as the information reaches them that she is a maid in love with his master. "La Compagnia del Cigno 2" con Alessio Boni e Anna Valle: trama, cast, numero punt... "Makari 2", la serie tv Rai con Claudio Gioè ed Ester Pantano, avrà una seconda st... Leonardo 2 ci sarà: l'annuncio di Luca Bernabei a RTL 102.5. Questa nostra storia ha inizio alle soglie del diciannovesimo secolo, nel 1797. Elisa steals the key from Alvise and persuades Anna that she must go to Turin and testified for his brother. Her condition is critical. Meanwhile, Angelo pretending to have a broken arm, scans the library, searching the list. At the time of Count Drago vows he tries to interrupt the ceremony, but Ristroi him back. His health condition is critical. The only aristocracy, who shows their support for them is Lucrezia van Necker, who actually has her own good at stake too. After the death of the Countess, Elisa, still traumatized by Fabrizio's behaviour, decides to leave Rivombrosa and find a job somewhere else. Lucrezia goes to Clelia and blackmail her to show where is hidden Elisa. I fan aspettano con grande ansia di sapere se l'amata fiction Rai con Elena Sofia Ricci avrà un seguito. Count's sister Anna is very worried and refuses to accept this socially dishonourable relationship. I nostri protagonisti vivono l'incanto di questo loro sentimento con trasporto e coinvolgimento assoluto. Gulio covered with by them, giving a list of demands. Follows the struggle between Fabrizio and Ranieri, and Elisa gives the king the list with conspirators. In order to get closer to Fabrizio she convinces everyone that she is the mother of the boy. Small Martino very long for Elise and is able to forgive her putting it into the house Lucretia. By showing that she accepts their relationship. Anna goes to Lucretia for help. It turns out that this is an ambush. Fabrizio then goes home to the beautiful Estate of Rivombrosa, where everyone is pleased to see him after so long. In the garden of palace, the two dogs of Ranieri bark against these them. Ma la serie si arricchisce anche di un pizzico di commedia. © 2021 SuperGuidaTV srl | via Cimarosa 66 - 80127 Napoli | C.F. Betta is seriously ill, and she stays at home with her father and her sister. Fabrizio calls her mother and sister to Rivombrosa. Anna, who still cannot accept the love between Fabrizio and Elisa, goes to Turin to ask her friend, the beautiful Duchess Clelia Bussani, to try to seduce her brother. When Lucrezia comes to visit Fabrizio, Anna explains all her worries to the marchioness. Betta comes to Rivombrosa apologizing to Alvise. He's seriously worried about his wife, who can't be found, and asks the nobles to help him. On the way to her, trying to guide the Count Drago Fabrizio that this Lucretia is the heads of the conspiracy, and not her husband. When the Alvise discovers that Anna is not in the room, he severely beat the little Martino, because he things that Martino stolen the key. Domenica In: anticipazioni e ospiti del prossimo 25 aprile 2021. Cast: Alessandro Preziosi, Vittoria Puccini, Jane Alexander (1973), Jane Alexander (1973), Luca Ward, Antonella Fattori, Pierluigi Coppola. o "The Full Monthy". Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. La figlia di Elisa – Ritorno a Rivombrosa, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elisa_di_Rivombrosa&oldid=1000032587, Television series set in the 18th century, Articles to be expanded from September 2011, Culture articles needing translation from Italian Wikipedia, Pages using infobox television with unknown empty parameters, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Count selects Elisa. When his friend refuses to do so, Fabrizio goes to Turin to ask the king for Elisa's grace in exchange for the confidential documents. Count Ristori testify against Lucretia and Ranieri, accusing them of murder of Beauville and treason. But Elisa is not feeling too well and along with Fabrizio they return to Rivombrosa early. He does not know that Count Fabrizio has placed the list in the Virgin Mary statue from the palace chapel. She herself went to Rivombrosa, where is faking to be a worried mother. Meanwhile, the inn has been planted. At the same moment there enters Fabrizio, who kills the two thugs. Martino tells to Fabrizio and Elisa what Lucrezia did (that Lucrezia is not his mother and she killed Isabella). E infine, accanto ai sentimenti, alle passioni e alla componente di commedia, non mancherà l'azione. During this dinner Lucrezia sends men to Rivombrosa in order to steal the list. Elisa di Rivombrosa is an Italian television series (partly inspired by the 1740 novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded) about a love story in 18th century Italy between Fabrizio Ristori, a young Italian Count, and his mother's maid, Elisa.It was broadcast on Mediaset for 2 seasons from 2003 to 2005: "Elisa di Rivombrosa" (2003). Semplice, le puntate registrate del giovedì sera, vengono... Eccoci arrivati alle anticipazioni e agli ospiti del prossimo 25 aprile, del varietà di Rai 1, Domenica In condotto dalla spumeggiante Mara Venier, la... E' in attesa della secondogenita Luna Marie, la cui nascita è prevista per il mese di luglio 2021 e ora Belen Rodriguez fa parlare... Il sito di SuperGuidaTV è un punto d’incontro e di scambio di informazioni per chi vuole avere notizie sempre aggiornate sul variegato mondo della televisione o sapere cosa fa in Tv in ogni momento grazie alla nostra. He tries to seduce her, and Elisa realises she's seriously falling for him. Count Giulio Drago knows that Fabrizio really cares about Elisa, and he finally decides to go and remove charges from her, telling her he does it because his friend asked him to. Once Elisa reaches him, he asks her to hide the documents somewhere safe. Those documents, in fact, could be very compromising for a number of nobles: they're a list of the king's conspirators. Fabrizio is stunned by the situation, remembering the last words of Giulio, realizes that all the time was wrong: that not the Marquis Beauville is the heads the conspiracy, but his wife - Lucrezia Van Necker Beauville. At night went to the library to find out. The next day, Fabrizio is brought to Rivombrosa, where in the main square, all the people are gathered together with the king and his new adviser - Ranieri. The old man accepts, but the Abbot Van Neker, disconcerted about such a wedding between a noble man and a maidservant, decides to warn his cousin, the marchioness Lucrezia. Meanwhile, in Turin, the process continue, as a result of testimony commander leading the investigation into the death of Giulio Drago, comes to light that it was thanks to Elisa, that investigation was discontinued. Fabrizio shocks everyone - his sister Anna and all the other nobles, well aware of the girl's un-aristocratic conditions - when he dares invite Elisa to dance with him at a ball in honour of his return. In the night someone kills Clelia in her bed. Fabrizio not believe the Elisa's accusations are true: that Lucretia is faking under the guise of a false friendship. All people applaud and rejoice. Meanwhile, Count Ristori is so in love with young Elisa that he even starts thinking about a possible marriage, which would eventually make him lose his title. I protagonisti sono Agnese e Andrea che, giovanissimi, si incontrano, si scelgono e difendono con forza il loro sentimento, respingendo con coraggio gli attacchi di coloro che, per vari motivi, vorrebbero ostacolarli. Fabrizio understands what's going on and takes the opportunity to propose to Elisa. Con 'La figlia di Elisa' siamo dunque all'alba dell'età napoleonica con la crisi dell'aristocrazia, il declino dei privilegi nobiliari e l'occupazione francese che, inesorabilmente, stende la sua influenza sul Piemonte e su Rivombrosa. Clelia had promised the king that she would give him a gift before Fabrizio's execution, so the king is waiting for her. Now, Lucrezia wants to get the boy and make him a page to her.

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