ck2 best viking start

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Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's Dynasty. You can use the Germanic faith's powerful CBs and shipbuilding buffs for expansion and raiding, then be succeeded by a Slavic ruler and reform. Reforming a faith costs 750 piety. He converted to Catholicism, becoming baptised and exchanging some lands for acknowledgment of King by Pope Innocent IV. Defensive attrition is a powerful deterrent in the early game. This shows another bonus from raiding culture; with the combination of Equality and concubinage, kidnapping male princes also allows for strong claims for heirs on raided lands, and the prestige of having noble male consorts for female rulers. Any Empire-level title fulfils this requirement. Zunists and Mongols may use Ultimogeniture; Bön may use both regular and elective gavelkind when tribal, and may also use primogeniture and ultimogeniture when feudal (or monastic feudal); Romuva/African may use Eldership when tribal; and rulers of the Celtic culture group always have the option for Tanistry. Progress continues for as long as you play a female character of the featured ruler's dynasty. Add the de jure duchies of Sicily, Calabria, Achaia, and Krete to your nation. Any additional king of the Jimena dynasty adds 1 point, regardless of the number of titles they have. Most pagans may raid neighboring provinces (and coastal provinces, if ships are available) for loot and prestige, even without a tribal government (which majority of the pagans are). Kiev in 769 is notably a start whose default ruler, Dobrava Turov, is a woman. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Basarab was the Voivode of Wallachia before he became an independent ruler of the kingdom. A generic Pagan faith is used in the history files to represent everyone from pre-Christian Irish kings to pre-Islamic Arabs. Reformation tends to grant benefits of stability and the capacity to declare wars on larger-scale targets that smaller pagan nations couldn't attack, but lose many of the benefits that would help a small pagan nation expand more readily or defend itself from larger targets. Generic Tengri paganism allows for more levies. Eastern Orthodoxy, Miaphysite Christianity, Allows sacrifice of thralls captured in raids, Allows sacrifice of courtiers to read entrails, Once per decade interpretation of stars by religious head or court chaplain if none exists, Education improvement synergy and Meliorism improvement synergy. However, the Tengri faith does not die out during the entire period of the game and there are always relatively strong rulers for it in the game. Konan II, Duke of Brittany would find himself in an uphill struggle to ensure his rule over Brittany. The Short Reign penalty is reduced to merely double the normal amount for Germanic pagans among the same Germanic faith, but Old Germanic pagans will have the full -45 penalty in addition to the heretic penalty. Reformed religions lose access to subjugation wars, one of the fastest ways for pagans to expand. With the Holy Fury expansion, requirements for reformation remain unchanged, but the player may select four "traits" for religion, which affects the set of available mechanics for the religion and provides various bonuses. Rulers lose prestige when at peace for too long. Tribal vassals who follow in reformation will no longer have opinion penalties for higher levels of tribal organization, no longer faction to lower tribal organization, and will usually vote in favor of increasing tribal organization. However, the religion's holy sites are scattered far and wide making reformation very hard. Petronilla must have as many children as possible born to the Jimena dynasty! Cairo is distant and usually controlled by major Muslim powers. Reformed Germanic pagans also count. Construct a Great Library and fill it with book collections. Reforming also provides access to the full set of feudal succession laws. Welcome comrades, to a very odd diary for me to be writing! The strongest position for the faith is at the 867 bookmark, where the Tibetan Empire has fractured and Bön kings of Guge & Ü-Tsang hold large areas of the Tibetan plateau under their control. Successfully make Gotland an independent kingdom by becoming king and appointing Gotland your capital! The love of battle among these pagans means that rulers incur no relation penalty with their vassals for having troops raised. Have as many Serbian Dukes as possible! The religion now has a formal head, who gives the faith a permanent +20% to moral authority, and who may, after the Crusades and Jihads are unlocked, call Great Holy Wars. His reputation and knowledge as a physician would give him the chance to cure Arghun Khan of an aliment, forming a great trusting friendship and allowing Sa'ad to secure a safe haven for Jews to live. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 3.0. Each temple looted in a raid gives +1% to moral authority. Since you can't have duplicates in your treasury, give them to your family. They also gain access to Great Holy Wars if the Catholics have unlocked Crusades or the Muslims have unlocked Jihads. If you need Braunschweig to reform the Germanic faith it is best to conquer it in 769, while the Saxons still control it. Playing from this start is more difficult, as Kiev is bordered to the south by the Tengri Khaganate of Magyars. The gavelkind succession law will remain even if you return to an unreformed pagan religion later. Bear in mind that in 1066, Novgorod is Christian, and the Rurikid dynasty which holds it has multiple potential allies from other dynasty members. With the exception of the reformed Germanic religion, the faith will also immediately gain a holy order. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. During his lifetime, Sa'ad al-Dawla would be the bridge that supported Jewish peace and prosperity in Baghdad. He is a culturally Norse Germanic pagan but has a Slavic son. This means you may invade territory held by another faith, but still gain the defensive bonus so long as the battle takes place upon land of your faith. He would eventually claim England but lose his life in battle of Stamford Bridge, starting the end of the Viking Age. This titular republic operates from the grand city of Amalfi in Sicily. Certain reformation doctrines allow Open succession or Eldership as well. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. Have as many kings titles as possible. Reclaim the Holy Roman Empire or Francia, with respective De Jure territory based on the title you claim, Put at least 3 Karlings on the throne of the Papacy. Bön rulers are playable with either Jade Dragon, The Old Gods, or Holy Fury. Each one can only occur at a certain, and different, time each year. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Anatolia, Kingdom of (inc. independent duchies), Normandy, Duchy of (inc. William and vassals, but not other French vassals in Normandy), Sicily, Kingdom of (inc. Apulia, Sicily, Napoli, Capua, Salerno), Wales, Kingdom of (inc. Gwynedd, Deheubarth, Glamorgan, Gwent), Armenia, Kingdom of (inc. independent duchies and counties), Anatolia, Kingdom of (including all independent states in area), Kingdom of Transoxania (Emirate of Samarkand), Ahmad ibn Umar ibn Shuayb ibn Umar al-Balluti,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ensure that you don't lose the title King of Serbia and that it never falls into the hands of someone who's not of Serbian Culture. Can you claim Mecca and Medina for your creed and establish your Caliphate? With a keen eye for commerce, setting up networks of trade posts was key to his success. Have 80 members of your dynasty. Zun can also be reformed like other pagan faiths. Remain Christian in some way. Note that with the changes to raiding in 2.4, rulers of Hungarian culture can always raid (as long as they remain Hungarian). Ensure that King Konan has a male heir and a few to spare! Concubines not allowed. King Louis passed away before he could see through his dream of a northern crusade. A general recommendation is to steer any historical character to an ahistorical destiny. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Estimation du changement de règle (9000 hab) Estimation élaborée le 17 Janvier 2020, la règle a subi plusieurs modifications depuis mais donne idée de l'impact du changement En attendant les publications des données sur les élections municipales, je vous propose de découvrir l'impact du changement des règles pour les élections municipales 2020. Independent lieges of this religion can construct, Religion is resistant to proselytizing + Stability, Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full + Stability, Religion is resistant to proselytizing. Traits inherited from unreformed religion. Marry as many of Llywelyn's children to those of English culture as you can. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. AI rulers are more aggressive.AI rulers only convert same-group provinces and only when zealous Fulfil conditions. The challenge is only accomplishable with the featured ruler during their lifetime. The Zunists are unique in that they are somewhat of a hybrid of the Offensive and Defensive; generic Paganism grants no bonuses. Conquer all counties belonging de jure to Navarre and Champagne. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Get as many with +65 opinion as possible! This page aims to highlight interesting characters and explain why they're challenging, fun, or easy. The royal palace must be active to count. Possibility for a woman to take consorts is disallowed even if other traits should unlock it. Incompatible with Agnatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality, Polygamy and Meritocracy doctrines. Children conceived out of wedlock do not count - legitimate bastard or not. Control over trade post in Taghaza will give your tribe extra money and money means mercenaries. Also, nomads are often an exception due to their unique mechanics. Incompatible with Eternal Riders and Invaders doctrines. Also, as tech advances, rival feudal realms can take advantage to construct better buildings for greater economic and military power. Feudal unreformed pagans typically use gavelkind succession. Tamari must become Megaloscheme, the highest rank of Saint Basil community. This start is very close to the following start, the main difference being that this start features the 3-way war for England between the Anglo-Saxons, the Norwegians, and the Normans. If the last two holy sites are difficult to reach, the best way to obtain the necessary moral authority is through county conquests and raids. Additionally, those defensive pagans who are tribal, may call forth Devout Warriors (without ). Eldership succession law is allowed. So the capture of the trans-Sahara trade ways and creating powerful kharijite base on the South can also be a solution. Romuva is the faith of the peoples on the east coast of the Baltic Sea, worshiping such deities as Dievas, Perkunas, and Laima. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's Dynasty. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Note: All historical Khitan and Han characters are written in their better known Han Pin-yin names as opposed to names that appear in Mongolian or other regional sources. Almoravids will not calmly watch how you push them away from power and resources. Can you change that? There are no Hellenic rulers at any start date, but Hellenism can be revived in several ways: There is one special pagan faith that normally only appears in-game as the listed religion of long-dead historical figures. Progress for this challenge stops if you should change religion. Ketuyu starts with two non-dynastic sons in 1211, but can easily pass Late Administration and Ultimogeniture to solve the issue. For example, players who seek to reduce internal conflicts in their country, but still want to expand their boundaries, could use the following culture/religion/doctrine combination: Altaic culture, Tengri, Peaceful, Stability, Equality, Autonomous. Pagans can grant themselves divorces at will, but with a significant cash payment for the divorce and a -30 relation penalty to the divorcee's family. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Germanic pagans do not have to reform to create the Jomsvikings; instead, they must control Stettin, Wolgast, Rügen or Werle.). Keeping moral authority high is also a problem due to weak realms who often lose religious wars. Some of them are stronger than the regular doctrines. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's Dynasty. Reforming the religion will cause a schism in the pagan faith. Kulin of Bosnia was the man who would lead Bosnia through the Bosnian Age of Peace and Prosperity, responsible for creating a de facto independent state. This challenge doesn't allow partial completion. Kill as many Muslim (religion) and Mongol (culture) characters as possible: Duel, assassinate, or execute them. Europa Universalis is a series of historical turn-based / real-time 4X grand strategy games for the PC and Mac (based increasingly loosely on a licensed French board game).Starting in the Late Middle Ages, it focuses greatly on the Early Modern Period. With Holy Fury, each pagan faith (except Aztecs) has an associated Warrior Lodge, a society focused on combat. In fact, if they have high moral authority, and have damaged rival religions' moral authority with their conquests and stolen holy sites, or control unreformed pagan lands, they will soon be flooded with notices of conversions of territories that are held by their vassals, who will put forth serious effort to convert their lands to their new faith. Only the English spouses with titles or claims count toward this challenge. Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarðr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Penalty to moral authority and to mission. Have your dynasty acquire as many artifacts as possible! Own as many trade posts as possible! This faith is exceptionally limited - it has all the disadvantages of unreformed paganism and none of the benefits, nor can it be reformed. However, invaders can negate the attrition by quickly building a fort in each province they enter, or by having Military Organization 4 in their capital. Holy sites: Djimi, Draa, Gao, Kano and Wagadu. These doctrines are tied to the reformer's religion. These rulers are highlighted in the main menu with a custom description about the character's goals or traits, and are eventually replaced by another character of note after a certain period of time. [1] These are not immediately obvious before reformation, or even immediately upon reformation. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Have 8 provinces. Reformer becomes the first religious head. Hold the Sultanate of Yemen and completely control its de jure provinces for 100 years. Equality allows the player to not only land females, but also to get even higher scores since female dynasts could have consorts, who as concubines provides prestige. Kill as many characters of the Germanic faith as possible! Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Louis II of Aquitaine was a ruler famous, and named so, for his physical weaknessess. No females in the council. Secret religions are disregarded for this challenge. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Make Gotland a grand republic, with as many trade posts as possible! Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's Dynasty. Ancestor Worship decision available. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Have the Jimena dynasty as large as 75 living members. This allows other pagans (especially Tengri and Germanic pagans) to fairly easily invade other pagans with conquest and subjugation casus belli. Access to Hermetic society. Hethum is famous for his relations with the Mongols in which he travelled great distances to offer gifts in the face of the rapidly expanding Mongol Empire. This attrition only applies in provinces of the same religion as their ruler, so Germanic pagans won't lower their enemies' supply limits in Slavic territory. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Hethum I decided to submit to Mongol suzerainty as their rapid expansion were of great concern. You must: hold the Kingdom of Lithuania, completely control all of Lithuanias de jure provinces, be Catholic and be crowned by the Pope. Hold the Kingdom of Serbia and duchies of Bosnia, Croatia and Hum and completely control all their de jure provinces. Deaths caused by other members of your dynasty also count! Both live and dead children count. Continue this tradition and make sure that the dynasty has a strong grasp on the land. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Partially redundant with Sea-Bound doctrine. However, by 1337, only two chiefs in northern Finland/Sweden follow the faith, with the rest of Finno-Ugric lands being divided between Catholic/Orthodox Christians and the Sunni Golden Horde. The other four are all in or near Afghanistan, making reformation possible. Hold the Kingdoms of Norway and England. Rather than assimilate as you did historically, stick to your Buddhist traditions and fight to reclaim your birthright from Khagan Kuchlug. Hellenic paganism was the faith of the Greco-Roman world before the rise of Christianity. Reformed pagans will gain a sudden bonus to their conversion rates. And that's despite The island was home to over 50 trading centres and harbours, with a great deal of the population contributing to the dealings of the republic. All Offensive pagans also gain a +30% bonus to their levy sizes, making up for likely lower technology and smaller fort holdings. Ilmen is also surrounded primarily by weak Suomenusko and Romuva pagans and is shielded by an ocean from the Norse until the Viking Age event triggers, giving plenty of time to solidify power. The other side of the coin is that peace is seen as unbecoming. Conquer Wales and completely control the following provinces: Anglesey, Rhos, Perfeddwlad, Powys, Ceredigion, Builth, Dyfed, Gwyr, Breconshire, Glywysing, and Gwent. Reformed offensive pagans no longer lose prestige when at peace. However, the Sons of Abraham demon child event chain will create Zunist "witches", who can be married matrilineally or assigned as guardians to children with the Faith or Heritage focus. Characters with golden names have been used in game of the week (GOTW) challenges[1], which often suggest special goals for players. This challenge doesn't allow partial completion. The principal ability of defensive pagans (Romuva, Slavic, Suomenusko & African) is a tremendous boost in combat when fighting on home ground. The reformer's courtiers at home, dynasty members, and vassals will always follow in the reformation if they are below playable tier. He is a culturally Norse Germanic pagan but has a Slavic son. When the religion is reformed, rulers of the faith may choose to accept or reject the new order of things. The selection of Leadership style determines the type of religious head. [h1]So hello again, dear CK community[/h1] I'm the author of [b]'HIP - The Ultimate Modlist'[/b] - the biggest, completely patched collection of mods for HIP and possibly all CK2. The challenge is only accomplishable with the featured ruler during their lifetime. Allows building the Sacrificial Altar feature of Great Temple, Great Stone Circle, Aztec Pyramid and Stonehenge, as well as the Grand Amphitheater. Konstantinos Angelos was a man of exceeding beauty and bravery, who came from a small aristocratic family. Progress continues for as long as you play the featured ruler's dynasty. Those who stick with the old ways are considered heretics by the reformed faith, and may be targeted by holy wars. Develop an Independent Wales and take it further! As a Catholic ruler of Serbia, ensure you are on good terms with your Catholic bishops (Opinion at least 60).

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