arrival ending scene

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She steps inside and it lifts back toward the ship. Inside she meets Ian Donnelly, a physicist who has also been recruited by Weber. Arrival ( 2016) Arrival. Weber reveals her prior experience and clearance with the military as the reason for his visit. It looks so much bigger now they’re actually headed toward it. A student interrupts the lecture and asks Louise to turn on the news. She is telling Hannah that she told her dad something he didn’t want to hear, implying that she told him that Hannah was going to die of a rare disease, without actually telling Hannah what she told him. 53–57 Louise studies the heptapod logograms trying to decipher them. She tells Ian that the story isn’t true, but she needed to make her point. As they progress with their interactions, footage of the growing public tensions around the world is shown on monitors in Louise’s tent. The news anchor reports in a panic about the landing of a UFO in Montana and other locations around the world. It flourishes during the opening sequence, and as The Hollywood Reporter said in an early review, the "somber strings" can be heard as well in "the beautiful concluding scene." 2 by Philip Glass. Consciously explores the structure of the narrative. She responds by telling him that she just did. She teaches Advanced Linguistics, showing that her interest in foreign languages is actually expertise. Pg. Louise and Ian join Colonel Weber, Captain Marks, and a small science team of two on the scissor lift. Close. Weber quickly brings Ian and Louise up to speed. Posted by just now. Ian helps Louise walk to the tents and Louise has another flashback. Weber is unimpressed and tells Ian to get her on a helicopter. Abbott then shows them the symbols for humanity at the end of its timeline. Weber has returned to Louise, acknowledges that she knows more than her rival, and offering her the job. Louise dismisses class. 116–116A Weber drops Louise off at her house. It is strangely quiet for a regular day at a university, and fighter jets periodically fly overhead, which cause concern for Louise. Weber introduces Louise and Ian to Halpern, and then reviews Louise’s agenda for the day. Ian and Weber wait on Louise to get ready for their next session. Pg. Pg. Pg. These words cause Louise to shift into another flashback, where she provides Hannah with this term as the answer to a question she asked in a previous flashback. Weber insists that she’s capable of doing it properly. Weber acts as mediator as Halpern expresses concern over the possibility that the aliens are hostile, while Louise and Ian advocate for further clarification. 1–3 Louise Banks stands outside of her secluded lake house, taking in her surroundings with a glass of wine. The rest of the team tenses up, but Abbott returns the gesture. 57–61 The military presence around the base has grown. Pg. Louise expresses her doubt to Colonel Weber, who patiently and calmly helps her jump towards the others. Pg. Costello presents her with another symbol that causes her to shift into another flashback. As she does this, she slips into another flashback of her daughter, where she is teaching her words similar to the ones she is learning in the heptapod language. She steps out and realizes she is on the heptapods’ side of the barrier, in their atmosphere. Weber reminds him that the ship is too far overhead for them to go back in. She looks around and sees a hall decorated with the flags from 12 countries. In the Operations tent, Halpern supervises the evacuation when someone tells him that a satellite phone on the base has been detected calling China. They look around and see that Louise has left the room. Halpern briefs Weber on rising tensions regarding the landing at the India and Pakistan border. They learn that the ship has been dubbed The Shell, due to its appearance. He tells the monitors that he is standing down and sharing their portion of information. Instead, Arrival asks a simple question: if you could view your life as an image, a story told in one nonlinear and infinite symbol, would you change it? 18–24 Louise, Ian and Weber approach the landing site. We answer your biggest Arrival questions! She leaves work in a panic, along with most everyone else. Weber interrupts to tell them they have to evacuate. Louise speaks to Shang in Mandarin and recounts what Future Shang told her. Though the death of daughter and the abandonment of her husband sting her to her core, she accepts the knowledge of what’s to come knowing the beautiful moments that accompany it. Pg. Costello approaches her through the mist. Weber tells her it’s because he can’t afford to lose her. Agent Halpern consults with a British scientist over the monitor regarding their progress. Ian protests, but Louise silences him and shifts into a flashback where she is holding advance copies of a book called “The Universal Language” which has 12 chapters. When the movie begins, we are thrust into the bleak worldview of Louise and the subsequent illness and death of her child. 2 by Philip Glass. It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. They head back to the base. The Chinese site attempts to communicate with the heptapods through a game of mahjong. Ian asks her what she did. In talking the Chinese leader down, she repeats the final words of Shang’s dying wife: “War does not make winners, only widows.” How did she gain such intimate knowledge? 40 VIDEOS | 183 IMAGES. A major scene from ‘ Arrival ‘ starring Amy Adams had to be cut about half way through the film to not give away the surprise ending. 74–78 Ian studies the footage from the last session with a team of scientists with no headway. A question appears on the glass: “Do you want to make a baby?” Louise shifts through flashbacks of her daughter’s short life, from birth to death, possibly by cancer. The décor of her house indicates her bookish and academic nature, with an interest in foreign languages. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. In Arrival, Louise did two incredible things to change the Chinese general’s mind. In the medical tent, Dr. Kettler examines Louise to make sure she is OK. Pg. I re-edited the ending scene from Arrival with a different piece of music: Études No. 109–111 Louise turns around and finds herself at a fancy party dressed in a fancy gown. He expresses concern for Louise. Weber shows Louise that she signed her name for her latest prescription for headache in a circle, and tells her that she did so with her left hand, even though she is right handed. Ian and Weber, along with a team from the base, rush to pick her up. Abbott tells them to “Solve.” Louise asks “Solve what?” Abbott answers verbally and Louise understands. share. He again expresses concern over her basic approach, insisting that she needs to get more specific and to ask them why they are on Earth. Louise questions the use of the hazmat suits. Weber suspects that Louise may be exhausting herself and asks Ian if he can proceed without her if needed. Vote. I like how the first moments set the scene and then it was straight into the main point. 1 member in the Spa_Tans community. Arrival presents many clues without revealing its hidden truth until the film's conclusion. She takes her suit off and instructs Ian to do the same, believing that it will be helpful if the aliens know what they look like. Pg. Pg. Though re-imagined by many, Ralph Waldo Emerson is the father of the phrase, “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” In many ways, Arrival is a thoughtful adaptation of that adage. The heptapods begin uploading a huge volume of data. Louise studies the alien symbol, a logogram, while she monitors progress from the other sites. Louise turns on Ian, but Ian reassures that he’s on her side. Halpern disagrees, still approaching this from competitive point of view. Louise looks back to see Abbott giving a gesture of goodbye. Halpern chases after them. Ian suggests they go back into the ship. 26–27 Inside the tunnel, the team turns on their flashlights. ArrivalScene by Scene Breakdownby Ashish Pg. The conversation shifts to her well being, and Louise stares sadly at her spare bedroom. The ship rises above the clouds. Pg. Official Screenwriting Blog of The Black List, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Private Lasky finds other soldiers who share his hostile distrust of the alien ship. Pg. 3–7 Louise drives to work. Pg. Pg. Louise starts to realize the heptapod language has no clear beginning or end and asks Abbott and Costello to see the process of them writing so she can see how they form thoughts. Weber reminds Louise that this is her session. General Shang approaches her. Louise greets the aliens with no response. When the movie begins, we are thrust into the bleak worldview of Louise and the subsequent illness and death of her child. Abbott is agitated and asks Louise to “solve” again. Louise looks like she is out of her element, but Ian eagerly jumps. As they complete the sentence together, Louise shifts into a flashback of Hannah as a baby. The explosives go off as Louise shifts into another flashback. She makes notes the symbol, dividing it into twelve pieces. Later, Ian seeks out Louise as she works alone. For all their apocalyptic scene-setting and mild paranoia about political figures, Interstellar and Arrival are comforting films. It’s hard to tell. Louise is still disconcerted by the experience, while Ian is completely fascinated. Louise tells Weber that she’s figured it out, that learning the alien language causes you to perceive time in a nonlinear fashion. Weber rejects her terms and indicates that he’s going to her academic rival, but Louise leaves Weber with an opening and something to think about. A great thing was that it didn’t drag on to get to the main point. The surface of the ship appears to absorb light, darkening the immediate area around it. Military personnel are preparing equipment for the next encounter. He then tells her that the base is being evacuated out of fear of retaliation from the aliens. Pg. Louise enters and starts working. The lift enters through the hole. Following the tour, an alarm indicates that it is time to enter the alien ship. Denis Villeneuve uses Louise as the audience surrogate, and as the Heptapod-like and omniscient director, he introduces us to a new prism by which we can better view our own lives. She tells him that she repeated what Shang’s wife told him before she passed away, and that she knew because he will tell her in the future. Unshackled from the constraints of linear time, Louise experiences the breadth of her life in a single moment. Captain Marks tells them they have to wear respirators from now on. our affection. She informs Weber of her plan to try communicating via writing. Louise insists they need to work together with the other sites and share their information. More scene-by-scene breakdowns to come this week. The gravity in the chamber shifts, sending Ian and Louise back into the tunnel. Firstly, she called him on his direct number, straight to his mobile- a permission only available to a select few secure people, yet she called him directly as she knows at this point that in … He shows her his phone with the number and tells her what she said to him in her ear. She flashes again through memories of Hannah’s short life from birth to death. Write on Medium, 10 Screenwriting Skills and Traits You Need, Twelve Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creative Thinking, A Story Idea Each Day for a Month — Day 21. I think she is speaking Mandarin but no subtitles are provided. China's General Shang (Tzi Ma) doesn't trust the aliens and has his team deviate from the set plan by ceasing communication of the intelligence they gather to the other world sites. 78–81 Ian races to the alien ship with Louise in tow. Hannah’s drawing from an earlier flashback is on the wall. The scissor lift carries them 20 feet up. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Weber and Ian enter her room and express concern that she is becoming too immersed in the heptapod language, because she knows more of it than the rest of the team. Louise shows that she’s capable of writing in their language freehand. When a mysterious object from outer space lands on our planet, a specialised team is created and under the supervision of Louise they carry out investigation. 1–3 Louise Banks stands outside of her secluded lake house, taking in her surroundings with a glass of wine. She sits in her office and is approached by a military officer, Colonel Weber. Arrival's Ending Explained. Colonel Weber wants Louise to translate the alien sounds for him, but she explains it’s not as simple as he wants it to be, and that her services will require direct contact, not just an audio recording. Louise approaches the barrier and puts her hand on it. Louise’s choice, then, is to embrace the sum of her life regardless of the tragic moments within it. Pg. Louise shifts back to the present and Ian shares his latest revelation regarding the way heptapods perceive time, and that they only have 1/12 of the data. ... Spoilers for Arrival below. A bond that pulls us down paths not bargained for. Halpern locates her as she does this and pulls a gun on her, but Ian puts himself between Halpern and Louise. She is on the phone with her mom, talking about the same thing everyone else is talking about. Louise hardly entertains the prospect, electing to embrace life for all of its myriad victories and losses, knowing that the journey is worth far more than the final destination. 61–66 Louise and Ian prepare for their next session. They find a vehicle missing. They all start feeling around for something, and Ian’s hand finds a hole, which opens up wide. One of the scientists throws a glowstick in the air, which moves up and to the side, landing against the wall, demonstrating a shift in gravity within the ship. Ian is still his excited, confident self until he vomits seconds later. A voice, which we can assume to be hers, muses on memory and time. 30–33 Back at the base, Louise appears visibly stressed from her interaction with the aliens. At the base, Louise and Ian discuss the riddle in terms of population dynamics. Halpern tells Louise that the only way to de-escalate the situation is to find out exactly what “offer weapon” means. She puts on a breathing mask as gas fills the cylinder. A large crowd of people swarms around the military blockade that is set up around the alien ship. Panic overtakes her. Thanks to the omnipresent perspective given to Louise, these sequences simply exist free from the constraint of time. She touches the question on the glass, and Ian asks her again. In the interview chamber, Louise teaches them the word using a hunting knife as a visual aid. Pg. Ian expresses shock to learn that she was once married. On the surface, the ending of Arrival appears to preach a type of determinism you often see in stories about time travel: There's only one set path, and free will is a myth. One of the best things screenwriters can do to elevate their understanding of the craft is to create a scene-by-scene breakdown of an existing movie. Hannah is asking about her name, and Louise explains that it is special because it reads the same forward and backward. They reach the entrance to the ship, which is floating 20 feet in the air. The activity around campus makes sense to her now. For me the best scene of the movie is the ending scene. He tells her that he only came to meet her and tells her that she was responsible for a unification, having called him on his private number and changing his mind about something. Arrival Scene by Scene Breakdown by Ashish Chand Pg. 35–42 After the session, Weber confronts Louise over her methods. At one site, the alien ship is attacked and China, Russia, and several other nations cut their video feeds. Pg. She goes to sleep with the news on, because it’s that kind of news. 81–94 (Note: Pages 83–88 are omitted.) This may be Arrival’s biggest weakness; the emotional punch of the ending is lessened a bit because it feels a little rushed. As they argue, Louise has a vision of an unknown space where she is weightless and wearing a breathing mask. The scientists jump upward and land sideways on the same wall. She quickly recovers. As she studies it, she experiences a flashback of her daughter and quickly snaps out of it. The musings on memory and time from the beginning are revealed to be Louise telling Hannah the story of not only her life, but the continuing story of humanity. Ian is in the science tent with Weber, going over the newly acquired data. Abbott invites Louise to write on the barrier. I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts … Private Lasky eyes her suspiciously. Weber asks for an assessment, but Louise is at a loss. Louise shifts into another flashback of Hannah, this time at the point where she is dying. Pg. Halpern tells her that the rest of the nations are panicking and refusing to share anything. Media. She heads in to her house. They share an intense kiss, and Louise shifts into a flashback. Shang answers. Louise shifts into a flashback of Hannah. He doesn’t ask her to explain herself, but praises her in his military way. By the same token, Louise also chooses to shield Ian that she knows their future child will die of cancer. 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Ian looks through binoculars to see a cylinder descend from the ship to pick up Louise. Louise snaps back to the present and tells Ian that she just remembered why her husband left her. Pg. He does so with two hands at opposite ends, causing Louise and Ian to realize that the heptapods think in nonlinear terms. The value of this exercise: Today: Arrival, the 2016 movie nominated for 8 Oscars including Eric Heisserer for Best Adapted Screenplay. If you’d like a PDF of the Arrival scene-by-scene breakdown, go here. They appear to be terrestrial octopi and move about in the fog in a swimming motion. A voice, which we can assume to be hers, muses on memory and time. 7–10 Louise heads home. Arrival is the rare smart science fiction movie where the battle is waged with words rather than guns. 24- 26 Louise and Ian are loaded into the back of a pickup truck and are driven to the Shell. arrival at a final destination – is necessary to make preceding events worthwhile. Overall, Arrival is a masterpiece. She learns that she successfully convinced Halpern to follow her suggestion of sharing their information with the other sites. 15–18 A helicopter fast approaches Louise’s house as she sleeps. Weber tells Louise that Ian will be taking over the interviews and that she is to take a break. Louise writes a question in their language freehand about predictability. Framed with Terrence Malick-like photography and Max Richter’s haunting song, “On the Nature of Daylight,” we firmly believe we’re watching flashbacks of Louise’s tragic past. I re-edited the ending scene from Arrival with a different piece of music: Études No. Agent Halpern is speaking to an Australian scientist on one of the monitors about the atmospheric differences inside the alien ship. Louise tells Weber that they have to go back into the ship and tell them what happened. Her joy, however, is underscored by great sadness, knowing that when she eventually reveals her longstanding knowledge of Hannah's fate, Ian will crumble at her admission and leave her forever. 113–115 Louise is overcome by what has just happened. It is finally revealed to the audience that the scenes with Hannah and Louise is a moment from the future and not the past. She lands, catches her feet and breath, and walks on her own. Weber calls Ian to join him in the Operations Tent. She begins her lecture, only to find out that the classroom is empty except for a few students. Arrival Scene by Scene Breakdown by Ashish Chand Pg. Weber escorts Louise and Ian to the science tent, where people are trying to analyze the alien speech patterns. Abbott tells her that they are here to “offer weapon.” This sends a panic through the base, where Weber, Halpern, Ian, and Louise evaluate their next steps. She snaps out of it and the men are still arguing. The movie is a well edited one. Pg. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. IMDb Plot Summary: When twelve mysterious spacecrafts appear around the world, linguistics professor Louise Banks is tasked with interpreting the language of the apparent alien visitors. Ian realizes the heptapods are presenting them with a choice to either use what they are offering to begin a new era or end everything with a stupid decision. Word starts to come in over the comm lines that China is standing down. During their conversation, they see other nations start to panic over the video monitors. Ian suggests they share their data with the other sites, calling it a non zero sum game. Ian hears a beeping sound, revealing a bag with C4 explosives set against the barrier, revealing the source of Abbott’s agitation. The question from the first scene appears on the glass: “Do you want to make a baby?” She continues musing on memory, knowledge, and choice. The military staff is reluctant to let Louise go in, but Ian insists. While it may seem to be a deterministic (or perhaps fatalistic) tale, Arrival actually empowers Louise with the gift of free will and the option to choose her future. Feb 28, 2017 - Arrival is a great sci-fi movie with a powerful ending - albeit one that may require some explanation. There is no salvation in this vantage point, nor protection from death. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. She reacts angrily. Weber reassures Louise that she did fine, and tells her to figure something out before she goes in next time. When he asks her if she wants to “make a baby,” she jumps at the proposition with every fiber of her being. She shifts back to the present and reveals to Ian that she can read the alien language. Arrival is one of the best science fiction films of the decade. Louise meets with Weber and Ian, who is talking to the British scientist on the monitor. A transparent wall divides the room in two, with the opposite side being enveloped in some sort of fog or gas. This also reveals that not only is she an expert in her field, but she is THE expert in her field. Abbott then tells Louise and Ian that they have to leave immediately. Louise’s prescience is the essential component to convince Shang of the Heptapods’ gift, of the relative nature of time, and of the importance for the international community to rally as one. They all head to the communication room where Shang appears on the monitors looking shaken. Louise is nervous, breathing heavily, shaking. The scientists monitor and announce changes in the atmospheric readings. This is the paradox of Arrival, and arguably the most complex and mentally taxing part of the movie. Weber’s military focus is at the forefront of his mind right now and is only concerned with survival now. In case you didn't read my review of Arrival, I thought it was a fantastic, thought-provoking movie. Weber seeks out Louise and asks her to translate an intercepted communication in Mandarin regarding the Chinese encounters with the heptapods. The other monitors start to reconnect. A scissor lift is in place to carry people up to the floating entrance. Louise rushes to find Ian. Elsewhere on the base, people work to decipher the alien symbol. A look at the underlying story structure of the 2016 Oscar winning movie. If Oscars were given for mind-blowing twists, Denis Villeneuve’s beautiful, thought-provoking sci-fi film Arrival, starring Amy Adams, would win hands down this February 26. Pg. On another note, it’s worth asking why Ian didn’t also inherit some of Louise’s consciousness, given the many weeks spent working alongside Abbott and Costello. A large group of students is gathered around a television, hinting that something major and out of the ordinary is happening. 104–107 Louise lands back on the ground and the ship rotates in place. 66–74 The team heads back to the base, discussing what transpired. 47–53 Weber tells Louise to teach the word for “weapon” to the heptapods. She has solved it. A young soldier, Private Lasky, watches a right wing shock jock rant about the aliens, successfully stirring up fear and anger. Weber presses her to ask the heptapods why they are on Earth, but Abbott and Costello cut the session short. Pg. They have a conversation about their pasts and how it relates to their present situation. 45A-47 A montage cutting between shots of Louise and Ian each leading sessions and analyzing data is shown. At the base camp, they meet Captain Marks and learn more about the highly advanced nature of the alien ship. Weber confirms that they are receiving it. 33–34 Louise attempts to teach the aliens that her species is called “human,” by writing the word on the white board, and then gesturing towards the rest of the people in the interview chamber. Following their medical exam, they are introduced the to the base’s operation and intel center, where government operatives communicate with the other landing sites throughout the world, revealed to be 12 in total. Though some may see Louise as a misguided soul, Villeneuve and Adams create a character emblematic of us all, as our greatest triumphs will ultimately result in the same inescapable end.

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